Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sleeping tips during Ramadan

Ramadan sleeping tips

1. Make wudu with cold water just before sleeping!
People usually tend to think that doing wudu at this time, especially with cold water, might result in sleeplessness for a few extra minutes, thus wasting more of their precious time. However, you'll be surprised how that is not actually the case. Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad (S) encouraged us to make wudu, just like we make for Salah, before sleeping.

2. Read the following adhkar before going to sleep, at least the first one!
a. بسمك اللهم أموت و احي
b. Surah Mulk
c. Ayat ul Kursi

3. Make the intention of waking up at the time you decided and ask Allah Azza Wajal to wake you up at that time!
As will be shown later on in this post, you need to decide before you go to sleep a specific time to wake up. Moreover, you simply cannot take the risk of sleeping in an unplanned way. You'll miss out on a lot of Ajr if you do that.

4. Plan your sleep according to your sleep cycle!
Every person has a sleep cycle of, on average, 1:30 hours or 90 minutes. If you wake up in between a sleep cycle, i.e. between these 90 minutes, you feel very tired as if you had too little sleep as many of you might have noticed. However, there are times when you wake up in a very fresh mood, ready for the day. This is usually when you wake up immediately after a sleep cycle finishes. Some people might still feel tired after the 90 minutes period. No need to worry! The average sleep cycle varies from 90 minutes to 100 minutes. With a little experimentation, you'll soon be able to find out the exact time of your sleep cycle, inshallah. However, make sure that you do it before Ramadan starts so that you don't disrupt your Ramadan plan, even in the first few days. Therefore, try to sleep for a time which is a multiple of 90 minutes.

5. Take power naps of about 20 minutes throughout the day, whenever you get time, at least once a day!
No fixed time but you could do it during your break from school or office, immediately after iftar etc. However, avoid it at Fajr time because it is highly recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (S) to stay awake at this time. It is usually not possible in most of the cases to get a sleep which actually fulfills the requirement of 6 hours of rest without missing Taraweeh and/or Tahajjud prayers. Therefore, along with the sleep cycle management, this will, inshallah, keep you fresh throughout the day!

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